2023 UK VA Conference Agenda

It is with great pleasure we share the event schedule with you - copies of the schedule will be given to you on arrival so please don't panic about bringing a copy with you. 

Please do make sure you have completed your Motivational Map and if possible bring a copy with you. If you are unable to print it before the event and would like Amanda to print for you - please email it to Amanda before Wed 11 Oct 23 on the following email address: amanda@vact.co.uk 

The dress code for the day is casual, but black tie and posh frocks for the evening. 

You do not need to bring a laptop unless you prefer to take notes in this way. 

9.30 AM - 10.00 AM


10.00 AM - 10.15 AM

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome and Introduction
10.15AM - 11.00 AM

Jane Thomas

Is Resilience a Fundamental Trait?

Jane Thomas
11.00 AM - 11.20 AM


11.20 AM - 12.20 PM

Jane Thomas

Boost your Motivation, ignite the fire within

Jane Thomas
12.20 PM - 13.20 PM


Lunch will be taken down in the restaurant

13.20 PM - 13.25 PM

Welcome Back for the afternoon sessions

Welcome Back for the afternoon sessions
13.25 PM - 14.25 PM

Alan and Emily Braithwaite

How the heck do you stand out from the crowd when marketing your business in 2023

Alan and Emily Braithwaite
14.25 PM - 14.40 PM


14.45 PM - 15.45

Lauren Malone

Money Mindset: Build a Resilient and Abundant Attitude towards Wealth

Lauren Malone
15.45 PM - 16.45 PM

Ryan Ramsey

Resilience – overcoming the unexpected

Ryan Ramsey
16.45 PM

Raffle / End of Day Closing Remarks

Raffle / End of Day Closing Remarks
19.00 PM

Pre Gala Dinner Drinks Reception

Pre Gala Dinner Drinks Reception

Gala Dinner and UK VA Awards 2023

Gala Dinner and UK VA Awards 2023